Wed 7 Jun 2006
I’m so exhausted… I broke ground on Sunday afternoon past drift noon, far beyond lunch. I dug a trench stretching more than eighty feet in length. It was a shallow grave for CPVC piping; not to code but I really did not care. The trench stretched and meandered from thickets to underground concrete, O my! It was very hard work! I was so tired after 4 hours of picking and [bitching]. The reason it took so long was because of the bushes being so thick. Squeezing through from what I can tell, a mismatched ally way made by the house wall and bush giving a meager 8 inches wide walk way- did I say that I was torn up too? Yeah…, I was definitely receiving a [hurt’n] by the thickets. It made trenching so difficult I had to take a few breaks or else I would scream!
I water the plants by hand and for the past three years or so, I’ve been miserable with a bucket of water. No more I say! I laid the pipes and various fittings down neatly. Cut, brazed and glued- I did it all! I had 3 water bibs strategically placed for efficiency. The first one: placed by the two French doors in front of my home; second: placed right by the pool pump and filter which is also located near the back door; third: placed in the back of my home. The logic is that I need water access to water my plants upfront (the ones elevated and that can not be reached by the sprinklers), clean my pool and filter, and water plants in the back.
Needless to say, I’m tired and beat. I have glue all over, nicks and bruises here and there, and a swear jar full of quarters! I would like to get some help but that will be many years down the road until the little ones grow old enough to render any use. Right now, all they do is eat and sleep, poop, and drive me crazy! I bet I would be done sooner too. It took three days to complete. I’m very happy with the results. I had to poor concrete around the bibs for a more solid footing. The pipes I ran were CPVC but at every bib, there was copper for added dexterity. Twisting and bending with CPVC is fine but when you have them under the ground for quite a few years, they become brittle and will eventually snap cleanly in two if tension is applied in a vertical movement or occasional shakings.