I’ve been waiting for this domain forever! Ever since I got ratespc.net (Jan. 2005) it never broke ground on all the sweet plans I had for it when *.com wasn’t available. *.net isn’t that attractive and I was afraid that if I did start using it, people will mistakenly go to *.com instead of *.net. So I waited and waited and finally came upon this domain again because my buddies required a website that they can access to upload their misc. files and be able to grab them whenever they needed them in school. So it reminded me of ratespc.net which I still retained and so I did a quick check-up on the *.com extension hoping it would now be available! It is now and it’s all MINE MINE MINE! Yippie!

I’m using the same script as when I started with *.net but now I guess the author updated his script but with errors still. It’s okay, I’ll have my coders take a good whack at it to iron out all the rough edges. Not to mention I’m running php5 so that will complicate things a little since the script was written in php4. I simply can’t wait. I’m so SO excited! Good things come to those who wait… Not so frequent but it does happen sometimes. Today it did=)

This domain is dedicated only to Saint Petersburg College (SPC) for now. Baby steps for starters and we’ll see where this leads I to. I do visit ratemyprofessors.com sometimes but it’s not exactly a free service plus it’s not focused on SPC solely. I want SPC to stand out a bit plus I believe this website will hep a lot of students out. I know for sure I could have sold all my books for cheap… Ironically, the bookstore would purchase my books back but at a shitty rate. If I had a choice, I would rather sell my books to another student at a shitty rate than rather have the bookstore purchase mine and “resell” it at a higher rate to the same student I could of been “heaven” to. It’s logic – students – helping – students. Do you know how efficient it is to resell your books to another student? Easy! Just exchange numbers and meet at the school library for example!

I also want this to be an atmosphere for free speech. Rate your professors on their teaching skills and demeanor. This would also serve as a grounds for improvement on the professors part if they cared enough. This isn’t a saloon so I would want all students to act professionally and have no shame leaving an honest opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion whether it be asked or not. All students applying for an account will follow the strict username scheme: firstnameLastnameinitial and vice versa. For example: Jane Doe would apply for an account under the following schemes: JaneD and or DoeJ.

I think I want to integrate a blog system on here too. Maybe it will relieve some tension or may be a cool way to express and share ideas between other students. Who knows, the sky is the limit.

Always wanted one… Now I got one. Nice and cheap. I must have passed the very same isle and tool section in Lowes and Home Depot so so many times wondering why in the hell I didn’t pick it up. I like the normongous ones too. The ones that weigh 50 or more lbs? That’s just too much for me to handle plus I don’t do the type of work that will requires me to use something that massive. This small one fits my budget and workbench just nicely. I can mount this sucker anywhere around the edges of my work bench. Pretty peachy huh?!


I’m going to use this so much and love it so tenderly. I can attest to the countless of times I wished I had a clamp to hold something stupid down or maybe press something into another. Now I feel manly. I have my blue clamp and my workbench. I love my workbench too! I think I need to unscrew it off the damn wall and level it. It’s not level because garages are made with a downgrade pitch so water will “flow” out and not in. Drives me up the wall when it’s not leveled.

I’m helping my buddy swap a Honda Prelude motor (h22 OBDI) into his Honda Civic (1994 DX Hatch I believe). I convinced him to go buy a crane all the while saying to myself “I know who to ask when I need a motor crane muahahahah”. I’m evil and loving it! Anywho, his civic is a mess. Some ghetto and some half-assed. Pretty VC if you asked me. The crane made the job so much much easier. His idea was pretty lame (doing the swap that is). He wanted to use a jack to lower and lift the engine and transmission in place. I told him I don’t want to crawl around like bitches so made him get the crane. He was talking about some stupid idea of dropping the car onto the motor. Good idea if you had couple of jacks and some way to shimmy the engine/trans around so you can align things up (especially the motor mounts). I’ve seen it done before on some TV show but I digress… TV and VC is totally different in style. You still get there at the end but as a result, there is an easy way and a hard way. Hard way shouldn’t be connected to stupidity although it almost always seems like it.

Anywho, I took a plethora of photos and I don’t know how the hell i’m going to post them! I know the before and after photos are most important because the show drastic change. That day was a little hectic for me too. I had to watch my nephew (I enjoy watching my little boogers) but that meant bringing him along. He was a good kid. Played and asked a lot of questions until you go sick of it.

H22 OBDI when shipped: Engine and Transmission were still intact.

Before The Swap:

Taking The Engine & Transmission Out As One Unit:

This is my buddy Hieu. H needs to cut his damn hair!

racing : h22 swap : civic h22 : Civic engine bay : h22 motor : h22 transmission : h22 prelude : OBDI Civic ecu

My fault for not saying “I like you” in person. My fault for staying many steps behind. My fault. It has brought to my conclusion that the one I so fervently loved, once had feelings for me. It changes very little over the coarse of time how I feel about her nor does it inspire anything within me to know how she felt. She stated the obvious but for some reason, I wonder why she didn’t bother trying herself. It takes two to tango.

I wasn’t given any cue or any hints as to what would and what could. Things are the way they are once set in stone. I was told distinctly how I should carry myself around her. To only be her friend and no more. To not frighten her with my proclaimed love towards her no farther. I was given the ultimatum: friend or no friend at all. I of course, chose friend over no friend. I was reluctant she would be my friend but we never really talked anyways. Never had the concept of friendship anywho.

So it’s my fault for not pursuing someone that has denied me of any attempt from the moment I admitted my feelings within. It’s my fault still, even after she found out that I wanted her in natures beyond friendship and that she had profound feelings for me yet never said a word; no hint, nothing. So how am I suppose to carry myself and be just a friend when she knowingly told me specifically not to love her because it ills her to know so. It’s saying no but in actuality, it means yes. How on earth am I supposed to know that? Do I look telepathic? It’s wishing on an omen but you don’t know what the outcome is.

I believe I was manly about it. I loved her and she denied me. So I continued to love her but in secrecy. I never once made her feel awkward or obligated in forms that will bring chills down your spine when someone does that to you. We all have experienced it. Someone has an affinity towards you and you cannot return the same to them and when they act up or become weird towards you, you feel awkward in ways that will ultimately push you away and friendship is out of the question. I acted accordingly. My fault for not being sweet or talkative because my views on this subject matter is that I wanted to leave her a lone and not bother her. That’s what you do when someone specifically tells you that what you are doing is an affliction towards their mental health. She had an epiphany and her feelings swayed towards mine yet never told me or did anything about them.

I don’t think we will date necessarily because we are two different people. Not exactly made for one another. However, she’s a delicate gal and I think that’s what caught my attention. Anywho she enjoyed our conversation we had and I too. She said we should be more fervent towards each other because we are good friends. I agree, we should. I’m a person that is very chatty. It is only when the other person wants to chat too is when we can both be chatty.

I’ve been exercising a lot lately. I guess I want some tits and abs. Real real bad! So i’m doing something about my fat roles plus I want to fit it my cock hugging pant(s). It really helps when you get thongs for free:) I give myself 3 months to do 5 miles a day. I use to be able to do 3 miles a day without a sweat until I got lazy. Hey winter time was cold and my nipples might fall off! You wouldn’t find that attractive!

“The love you have given to me is instilled in my body, my blood, my being. ” -Mi

Isn’t that the love I’ve given enough? Does it cast shadows for doubts spite the tree with spirited love who’s roots are deep with iron for nails and lava for blood to insinuate for folly that follows for the stubborn girl stuck in a maze? Let I not cast the first stone for I have no mortal sin. Flesh of my flesh and blood of all bloods leave trail for cinder as The ashes mixed with pigment and intertwine like lively wine; a class of Pinot Noir I guess for all and forever more. A trail of death as droplets form of rosie hue as the saints play then now where a hollow husk lays benign like unrefined wine for all to swiss and swiss and spit.

Says I, prefer that Cabernet else wouldn’t I taste such flavory. For morsels so tender in texture vexes me to such extent. To have or not to have, that is a dignified question of moral seclusion. Says I, I’ll one here or maybe thrice! I liquored man I am dine such a meal on savory wine. No one knew how kind or perhaps how blind I was. For preferences, that sly devil on Prada heels, soon gives instincts for casting stones that shatter and break my now weakened bones.

Alone I parade with my own charade. One man one heart now shopping without a cart. To fill empty space within my heart with all the love I’ve stole leaves me a little smart. A black hole I say. Been shopping all day five-finger-discounts all over to make me stay. No matter how much I’ve stole, it doesn’t seem enough. I’m lost with words my love. I’m lost without you. The apple of my eye.


I was brought upon by the notion that I will always be unhappy with the one I would be-unioned with whether now or in the near future. It didn’t make sense to me logically because preferences are all that rules wumen (men & women- I so made up that term). It’s not okay to have preferences I take it? That’s bullshit. Everyone has preferences from personal amenities to sex partners.

Would eating a green apple be fair to a red apple that you prefer? What if there were no red apples to pick from? All you had were green apples. Based on fairness, I shouldn’t consume the green apple in fairness because I would be preferring a red apple? Each time I have a(n) green apple, I would say to myself: “red apples are far more delicious than green ones”. So every time that I had that thought (adulterous thought), I should be ashamed? That’s bullshit too!

I forgot long ago there was a study done about what type of shape a man prefers. There were 3-6 shapes drawn out on a tablet and they would inquire the thoughts of many men on what type of shapes they preferred. All the men who were given the test chose a similar shape 90% of the time. These were given to men from all over the world- Europe, Asia, and even indigenous peoples/tribes. Ironically, how can indigenous men pick out the same shape like the other men when they don’t even have running water, television and etc?

What we prefer, we don’t always end up attaining. I believe we find someone imperfect and make them perfect. Let our mental state of mind transcend to reality. Back on track here. So if you were to date someone that didn’t fit many of your preferences, wouldn’t you find them perfect in a very subtle way? Why would you date them if they didn’t make you happy? I don’t necessarily believe that. For example, when we do make love, would we think of that person to be someone we’ve dreamed about? That’s fantasizing. Fantasizing is when you masturbate for lack of discreet of examples.

Sure, we go into public and see someone very attractive- even more attractive than our mate. I believe that’s normal and shouldn’t be considered abnormal. Would this fine delicious contestant be an asset to you or would love you in a manner that your mate does? I’m pretty sure not! Would you take the risk of finding out? Why? Why waste your time when you have something far better at home? It’s human nature to bleed and so it’s human nature to look. Look doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll fantasize about them unless what you have at home is decadent towards you.


Life isn’t about fairness. You win some, you lose some. Pick your battles well. For the ones you can win, great! For the ones you know you’ll be at lost, it’s an experience you won’t forget! Fairness isn’t tangible and shouldn’t be associated with apples. I’d rather have an apple all to myself than to split it three ways equally. You know how hard it is to split an apple three ways? Apples are not equal spheres befell from heaven so they come in all shapes and sizes. If you were to split it in three, than you would have three unequal parts no matter how you cut it. So if push comes to shove, take what you can and shut the hell up.Just like love but in a rather un-fruity way, love isn’t fair. There isn’t one fair quality in love so it’s moot just talking about it but I digress and will try to sway some theory on this gray matter. In a relationship, no one relationship has equal love or “shares” equal love between the one’s be-unioned. Sure, you get the flakes that commit to such love that a lost would be their mates lost or that their gain is that the gain of their mate’s gain. Then when a storm spills over, they find themselves separated and departed. I thought love was mutual and that nothing would break such a prolific union? Was I wrong?

Love should be fair. Seems fair. Feels fair but when push comes to shove, everyone has their breaking point. It’s the last straw that broke the camel’s back. And so in essence, love can go so far and no farther. Take what you can and shut the hell up. Put up or shut the hell up. No one made you stay the longer hour nor bent your arm in submission.


When the raining season comes, you get a lot of excess water accumulating in the pool and you have to drain the pool once that happens. I just hate unrolling the rubber hose to drain the pool to the proper level. So I put piping underneath the ground towards the back of my house so that I will drain without having me unroll and re-roll the hose. It worked out nicely! Had good help and the digging was a pain in the butt!

I cheated a little because the discharge was 1.5″ sch 40 pvc piping. I stepped it down to 1.24″ thin-walled piping. Cheaper for me and no performance differences it seems to me. Whatever works no?




You have to remember to put a check valve near the output of the discharge valve. This prevents any water from backing up into your pool water. It’s just an extra measure of protection because there is a valve before the check valve anywho. Ironic that the check valve cost more than four 1.24″ sch 40 thin-walled pvc piping.DSC00922.jpg



I have no idea what you call it except that I can only logically conclude that it’s called either a ticket skewer or a ticket holder. You can buy them individually but the gf loses it all the time. So I made one, all seven of them in a grid. Plus, I don’t know where you would buy one. Office depot? Who knows! It cost me 8.50USD. Not bad for time spent. I think I did a damn fine job!





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