I’m no longer using silver rods. I’m using a silver bar from now on. Can’t wait to see how it works out!!!

I wanted to make 5 gallon batches but that would require 2 oz of silver plus a large 5 gallon container. I don’t have either of the two and I don’t want to scale up that grand. What I will do is dilute into 4gallons with 1gallon of CS to make the appropriate PPM that i’m wanting!

UPDATE 12-02-2012: Tried to make a batch of 80PPM @ 10mA for 8hrs. Doesn’t look too bad… I’ll need to refine it later.


I tutor about 8 people in this technique and they are learning so much more than I did when I was in Tri2; sad but true. The ladies in the club have very slow impulse and follow-through. So I made an attachment that attaches to our lecture tables to which the Thuli board attaches.

This will help with the impulse and follow-through guaranteed!!!

I hate how this pen inks so smoothly yet the cap is faulty and easily broken. It’s not even snug! Why not make the cap with a more flexible tougher material than polycarbonate plastic (I think)? Damn cap keeps on cracking with the slightest jaring  of the pen.

HP makes a lot of good products. I have their 16GB and 32GB key chain thumb drives and they work wonderfully. What I don’t like about the drives are their shitty dumb HP design. When I pull out my thumb drive, sometimes the cover shroud slips off. HP, you serious? Dumb shitty design.

1 oz silver, 36volts, 1000ml DW:
@1ma = 300mins = 5hr cook time
@2ma = 150mins = 2.5hr cook time
@6ma = 50mins cook time
@10ma = 30mins cook time

So I made a cold batch of ionic silver at 10ma for 6hrs. I used the TDS to measure the PPM and i only got 7PPM. I know those readings are wrong now. I actually made more than 20PPM.

To make Baking Soda Wash:
1) Baking soda in 350deg oven for 1hr = soda wash
2) Took roughly 90ml distilled water + 1 tsp soda wash = soda wash solution

I took 900ml of the ionic silver and poured it into a beaker with 1tsp of soda wash solution + 8-10drops of corn syrup. I put it in the microwave for exactly 7mins and it came out golden yellow. I took a PPM reading just for the hell of it and the reading was 240PPM!!!

10 drops 1/10 tsp 1/60 oz. 1/8 dram 1/2 ml
12.5 drops 1/8 tsp 1/48 oz. 1/6 dram 5/8 ml
25 drops 1/4 tsp 1/24 oz. 1/3 dram 1 1/4 ml
50 drops 1/2 tsp 1/12 oz. 2/3 dram 2 1/2 ml
100 drops 1 tsp 1/6 oz. 1 1/3 dram about 5 ml
150 drops 1 1/2 tsp 1/4 oz. 2 drams 13.5 ml
300 drops 3 tsp 1/2 oz. 4 drams about 15 ml
600 drops 6 tsp 1 oz. 8 drams about 30 ml
24 tsp 8 Tbs 4 oz. 1/2 cup 1/4 pint
48 tsp 16 Tbs 8 oz. 1 cup 1/2 pint
96 tsp 32 Tbs 16 oz. 2 cups 1 pint



One molecule of maltose will reduce 1 atom of Ag+

It takes 1 mole of maltose to reduce 1 mole of Ag+ ions.

In 1 liter of 20ppm CS there is 20 milligrams of silver.
Converting 20 milligrams to moles: .020/107 = .0001869 moles. (107 is the atomic weight of silver)

So we need .0001869 moles of maltose.

Therefore we need .0001869 liters of 1 Molar maltose solution since 1 Molar maltose contains 1 mole in 1 liter.

0.0001869 liters is .1869 milliliters.

Since there are 20 drops per milliliter, we need .1869 X 20 drops = 3.73 drops (round up to 4 drops) to reduce the 20 milligrams of silver.



So I went to Frys and saw a soldering iron that I wanted. I wanted it because it had a nice holder- not necessarily for the soldering iron itself. Turns out it’s a return model because it cost $20 and it didn’t work. Everything got hot except the tip + it didn’t tin well!

So I took it apart and installed my RadioShack iron that I got for $15 long ago. Cheap and works. I’ve purchased more expensive ones before in the past and I’m constantly going back to my cheapo RadioShack.

Now I have something I like. I’m not worried about burning the rug!

So I was bored and i had a few 16ft usb printing cables lying around. So I made a charger cable long enough for my use. I find that the shorter cables are useless if i’m using it on my table and battery is low with no charging port. What i should have done is splice in a micro usb port as well so i can charge iPad/Android.


I was brushing my teeth and slipped and cut my gums. Now every time this occurs, I have an open sore that takes at least a week and half to heal. Swished colloidal silver for 20 seconds every night for three nights and now it’s healed.  Hasn’t healed completely but at least it doesn’t sting or is uncomfortable to chew. Yah for colloidal silver!

I tried bleach and that didn’t do anything to the mildew. I figured hey lets try colloidal silver… Came back 24mins later and the mildew looked like it was coming off (as if it lost its grip on the tiles). I wiped it off with a napkin and it wiped off so easy. I had tried to scrub it with a pad and comet and NADA. Colloidal silver rocks!!!

I made it possible ;). I took out the third batch that was 13PPM and re-cooked it. Went from 13PPM to 22PPM @ 32v & .68ma. I’m very happy of the results. Now I have 3 gallons of high quality 20-22PPM colloidal silver that I have stored away in a deep crevice for future use! Loving it!!!

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