Unintentional Drifting

Wow another wonderful and thankful Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for and that I’m glad I’m healthy and vibrant! I’m sure many of you have had a wonderful holiday- god bless. This yr we cooked the turkey in a caldron instead of a plastic bag. It came out great, just wasn’t as moist as last yr and the yr before it. We threw in steak this year too! It was delicious! I’m happy this yr we didn’t make instant mash potatoes- it was from scratch! Now I have a lot of turkey to eat for the winter! I’ve included a few photos below:

I recently purchased a new Ryobi Trimmer only to find out that it is inadequately designed. I find it quite funny
that their 18inch trimmer was 25USD more than the 17 inch version. By the way, both 17inch and 18inch models are of same spec(s). The only differences are that the cut lengths and whether you want a straight shaft or a curved shaft trimmer. Everything else, are the same.

The reason why I purchased a new trimmer was because I thought my original one failed but apparently it did not. It had an idle issue which I remedied quite quickly. The comparison between the new and old trimmers

The Trimmer I have is very efficiently designed. The gas is fed with gravity in mind, the muffler is below the bottom, and the handle arm is superior in design (asb). Those three designs literally made me return the new
inefficiently designed Trimmer I purchased in one week.

In comparison, the newer Trimmer; however, does have a stronger and more robust motor but that is all I think
it is worth. Other than the new yellow paint Ryobi decided to dash on the new Trimmer, the new design is horrible. Gas is not fed with gravity in mind, the muffler resides on the top which makes your forearm really HOT when you rest on it for support and assistance in maneuver- ability and torque positioning. The handle arm is horribly designed. Instead of being held on by four hex bolts (which helps in preventing slipping), Ryobi used inexpensive and far inferior material and workmanship to hold the handle in place (only one screw holds the new
handle in place). When I used it I had no control over the Trimmer because the handle would slip and slide plus it “kinda” ruined the ugly yellow paint? Check it OUT

We have 2 garages and both are filld to it’s capacity! We
decided to build shelves in order to utilize our space more
efficiently plus parking a car or two in it would be fabu-
lous! I know that I could purchase shelves at the numer-
ous home improvement centers but I chose not to be-
cause they weren’t sturdy enough! The shelves I plan
on building are 8’X18″X8′ (LxWxH)!!! Now I can’t com-
plain about storage space! Take a look at the photos

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