Unintentional Drifting

The kit for installing my Ipad was $200. That includes sliding kit plus the 90 degree 30 pin connector. No thanks. So I purchased an Ipad extended battery and used it. I purchased the bezel from SoundManCa though, to fiberglass ontop of my contraption. So far so good. Keep in mind, I have never worked with fiberglass before. Since then, I’m loving it. Easy to work with and so many countless of jobs you can use it for to bond with anything. I know i need a new blade thought 😉 It’s okay though b/c I wont see the opening once the ipad is installed! Almost finish! Bondo and bezel installed = Finish

10-5-2013 3-46-10 PM 10-5-2013 3-46-52 PM

2013-10-09 19.04.25 2013-10-09 18.53.22

So I purchased an infrared thermometer and it works quite well. Only thing is that it looks cheap and feels cheap – do I really care? Not really 😉 It works and works well. I use it to see the difference in body part temperatures (sprained ankle vs one that isn’t) to let me know how to proceed. That’s one of many other uses. I’m happy now…

8-21-2013 10-11-35 AM

I purchased a new Optima 27F yellow deep cycle battery. The technician didn’t do a very sound job. The terminals were still wiggling after the install. You can pull on it and it will move. He’s the “manager” of the store. I took it home and tighten the battery terminals in less than a minute with a 10mm wrench…

2013-07-11 16.26.38

300WSM & 308
Hodgdon’s H4350, H4831
IMR 4064 & 7828

I got the below info from http://www.6mmbr.com/gunweek092.html . Hope they don’t mind. 
3-11-2013 5-24-56 PM

Came back to Florida for the winter break and I made (upgraded her potty rather) Pepper another potty. I’m not using the sliding glass door anymore b/c it took too much room outside and we use the outside all the time.



I tutor about 8 people in this technique and they are learning so much more than I did when I was in Tri2; sad but true. The ladies in the club have very slow impulse and follow-through. So I made an attachment that attaches to our lecture tables to which the Thuli board attaches.

This will help with the impulse and follow-through guaranteed!!!

I hate how this pen inks so smoothly yet the cap is faulty and easily broken. It’s not even snug! Why not make the cap with a more flexible tougher material than polycarbonate plastic (I think)? Damn cap keeps on cracking with the slightest jaring  of the pen.

HP makes a lot of good products. I have their 16GB and 32GB key chain thumb drives and they work wonderfully. What I don’t like about the drives are their shitty dumb HP design. When I pull out my thumb drive, sometimes the cover shroud slips off. HP, you serious? Dumb shitty design.

So I went to Frys and saw a soldering iron that I wanted. I wanted it because it had a nice holder- not necessarily for the soldering iron itself. Turns out it’s a return model because it cost $20 and it didn’t work. Everything got hot except the tip + it didn’t tin well!

So I took it apart and installed my RadioShack iron that I got for $15 long ago. Cheap and works. I’ve purchased more expensive ones before in the past and I’m constantly going back to my cheapo RadioShack.

Now I have something I like. I’m not worried about burning the rug!

So I was bored and i had a few 16ft usb printing cables lying around. So I made a charger cable long enough for my use. I find that the shorter cables are useless if i’m using it on my table and battery is low with no charging port. What i should have done is splice in a micro usb port as well so i can charge iPad/Android.


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