Was asked this… The quickest example I came up with is a bowl of rice. The grain of rice represents you mind and spirit and the bow ll is the casing (flesh and body).

If someone is easily bothered by spirits, each encounter, a grain of rice is lost. Spirits have plenty of time – an eternity. They want what you have: life. Each time there is an encounter, you lose yourself until you are left with nothing but a casing.

A casing is a blank sheet – a new beginning. Something that can’t fight back and can only be formed into what ever another entity wants them to be. This is the beginning of a parasitic relationship. Prior to this, people have tried to go to their doctor and told them that they hear things and that they need help. Their doctors tell them it’s just their imagination, take this sedative. This is how some people go crazy.

Many people have a strong spirits so they see less and or experience nothing. The ones that don’t see and hear anything will often call others crazy. Not too many people can own antique paintings, decor, knives, weapons and etc b/c they harbor spirits. The ones that can own these items, see, feel nothing and everyone else are crazy. If you know youre weak spirited, you will stay away from antiques of any sorts and rarely buy second hand items unless it’s from a trusted source or loved one.

My mother and uncle are two people I know who are not bothered by spirits. The soil they step on, shall and will be neutral, holy; like salt. It’s a pity I wasn’t blessed with it b/c I see, talk, and dream of them; they can’t seem to break me though.

You or anyone else, for that matter, can break away from this cycle by chanting for a few years to Buddha. Doing so builds your casing and enriches your core (grains of rice). It will allow you to walk on any soil and it be holy (peace).

Absolutely No electronic gauges. Cool when using it but not so cool when the battery runs out.

Jaco hands down the BEST. Grabs a hold of the valve and head rotates to accommodate different valve position. Perfect for dually setup.

Inexpensive tire inflators

Combine them and there isn’t a tire I can’t inflate

The hose stands up to the summer heat and UV fine. The sprayer, not so much. Absolutely love this garden Nozzle/sprayer. Easy on and off action. Simple solution for simple people

Electric Clutch is $250.

Order an older model (Warner 5219-177 – oem fit) for $125 and some wire splicing and you’re gtg.

Older model: 917-05122A/5219-147

Left: older plug. Right: New plug (mine). Clip clip

I bought a 16oz bottle of colloidal silver for 30 dollars shipped to my door from Amazon. That’s pricey; extremely pricey!!! Every morning I shower and mist my face with CS to prevent acne (it works wonders for people who already have acne). Acne is caused by clogged pores + bacteria. CS enters your pores and kills/prevents the acne from forming. Works well with white/black heads on your nose; I would squeeze the black heads out then spray CS so it enters the open pockets left by the blackheads and it slowly kills and heals the pore. Sorry I got derailed… Here’s the image from Amazon

I tested the above CS and ended up with less than what’s advertised. I’m still satisfied none the less. 250ppm is over kill anywho! 5-10ppm of high quality CS is all that I seek!!!

Anyhow, I’ve been reading on how to make CS and based on my understanding:

1) clean distilled water
2) 99.99% silver (don’t purchase the 99.9% b/c it has more impurities such as gold, brass, lead etc)
3) Power (battery or a power brick)

Distilled water has no impurities in them and makes quality CS. Keep in mind that distilled water must be warm. Warm distilled water makes smaller ppm (parts per million) CS. The minimum power requirements is around 30volts DC. I’m using a power brick from a HP 8500 that is rated at 32volts @ 2amps output. I’m using 10gauge silver rods. This is THICK! I can make this by the gallons and the cost is pennies to the dollar!!! I’m reducing the 2 amps down to 0.58ma with a 55k-ohm resistor. Current will not be able to exceed .58ma so the CS being cooked won’t have big particles of silver in the water.

Random notes
1) 10z CS added to 2 gallons of water = disinfected drinkable H20 (thenewsurvivalist)
2) 3oz CS added to 5 gallons of water = disinfected drinkable H20

Tyndall Effect
1) Light Yellow = 1-3ppm
2) Yellow = 4-6ppm
3) Deep Yellow = 7-9ppm
4) Amber = 10-20ppm

I’ve had this zit on my neck and shoulder for the last three weeks. It hasn’t gone down and I think it’s a cyst. Being so, I started juicing and after 5 days, it completely disappeared!!! I’m saving up to get a professional juicer that will allow me to extract the most juice out of veggies and fruits that I juice daily!!


1/2 cucumber
1/2 Large tomato
1 Red delicious apple
3 carrots (carrots are very important b/c out of many functions, it serves as a good immune booster)