
When the raining season comes, you get a lot of excess water accumulating in the pool and you have to drain the pool once that happens. I just hate unrolling the rubber hose to drain the pool to the proper level. So I put piping underneath the ground towards the back of my house so that I will drain without having me unroll and re-roll the hose. It worked out nicely! Had good help and the digging was a pain in the butt!

I cheated a little because the discharge was 1.5″ sch 40 pvc piping. I stepped it down to 1.24″ thin-walled piping. Cheaper for me and no performance differences it seems to me. Whatever works no?




You have to remember to put a check valve near the output of the discharge valve. This prevents any water from backing up into your pool water. It’s just an extra measure of protection because there is a valve before the check valve anywho. Ironic that the check valve cost more than four 1.24″ sch 40 thin-walled pvc piping.DSC00922.jpg
